Building generators

Generators are created easily by combining code templates of different technologies. You can add any template from Available templates into Generator designer. Available templates section contains all custom and public templates.

Generator designer allows you to reorder template forms and preffill them with the default values.

Creating generator

If you enter values into form fields, they will be also saved with the generator. The generator form will be prefilled with the values when you open generator execution form. All values are optional in generator designer, it is not necessary to fill even required ones at this stage - the user will be forced to fill all mandatory values prior to generator execution.

Once you created new generator, it can be:

  • executed to generate project code
  • published to make it available for all Scaffander user. Please note that publishing generator requires also to have all its templates public as well. Scaffander will check generator templates before publishing and offers to publish related private templates automatically.