attempt, recover
attempt block
recover block
- attempt block: Template block with any content. This will be always executed, but if an error occurs during that, all output from this block is rolled back, and the recover block will be executed.
- recover block: Template block with any content. This will be executed only if there was an error during the execution of the attempt block. You may print an error messages here and such.
is mandatory.attempt
can be nested freely into other attempt blocks or recover blocks.
These directives are used if you want the page successfully outputted even if the outputting of a certain part of the page fails. If an error occurs during the execution of the attempt block, then the output of the attempt block is rolled back, and the recover block is executed instead, then template execution continues normally after the recover block. If no error occurs during the execution of the attempt block, then the recover block is ignored. A simple example:
Primary content
Optional content: ${thisMayFails}
Ops! The optional content is not available.
Primary content continued
If the thisMayFails variable doesn’t exist (or any other error occurs at that place), then the output is:
Primary content
Ops! The optional content is not available.
Primary content continued
If the thisMayFails variable exists and it’s value is 123, then the output is:
Primary content
Optional content: 123
Primary content continued
The attempt block has an all-or-none semantic: either the entire content of the attempt block is output (when there was no error), or no output at all results from the execution of the attempt block (when there was an error). For example, above, the failure happens after “Optional content: “ was printed, still it is not there in the output before the “Ops!”.
To prevent misunderstandings coming from the above example: attempt
is not (only) for handling undefined variables (for that use missing value handler operators). It can handle all kind of errors that occurs when the block is executed (i.e. not syntactical errors, which are detected earlier). It meant to enclose bigger template fragments, where error can occur at various points. For example, you have a part in your template that deals with printing advertisements, but that’s not the primary content of the page, so you don’t want your whole page be down just because some error occurs with the printing of the advertisements (say, because of a database server outage). So you put the whole advertisement printing into an attempt block.
Inside a recover block the error message of the error is available with the error
special variable. Don’t forget that references to special variable are started with dot (for example: ${.error}